
Business Event, Joined!

First of all, I am sorry to hear Schuan earthquake and additional lockdown in China. But all over the world natural disaster happens, I just pray for all of health, calm and peace.

I have joined business event today, where the first half was a lecture by Mr. Yamamoto in HILTOP Technology Laboratory, Inc, and the second half was a social event.

This event was held by ACCJ (Amagasaki Chamber of commerce) and first speech has been done by the president ACCJ.

ACCJ aim is to increase start-up entities and strengthen DX (Digital Transformation). Number of ACCJ member has increased from 5,000 to 5,300. I feel also the staff’s passion, that’s why number of membership has increased, then I believe their aim will be achieved. But actually I didn’t get the meaning of Start-up entities although…

Let’s get started main lecture!

That was very impressive and emotional, the first half was his life history and the second half was his business complete DX.

He revived from hopelessness for his life. He met serious accident. If I were him, I felt my heart burst. But he revived at all, and leads his company success. Sometime God gives us unavoidable serious happening, like traffic accident, murder, serious sickness, etc.

Sometimes I imagine what if blindless, what I will do, What my life will do. How can I live, Who can help my life…What if lost arms and legs…Luckly I could avoid that happening.

Although his laying in bed, company continues operating, because he built operating system while his absence before accident.

For business, this is a very important factor for company and for himself.

Second half, he shared his success with DX using. HIs business is industrial machine and its parts manufacturing and other precision machine processing. Manufacture is operating for 24 hours, and everything is controlled by computer. He made very detailed how to work even if no technic person can do. All the detailes are imputed into computer and they are creating product perfectly. Also the computer can understand that design once looking at new product. Very amazing and incredible. That is totally magic. then 24 hours operating is possible and making one item, one pcs is possible.

Truely this is real revolution. He said important things are to make very details instruction that anybody can do and to make leave staff technique and share all.

All the lecture made me deep thinking. I cannot do same serious experience, but I can do to create details instruction. Let’s start!

Very good day today!
