
Qualified invoice Q14: Cancel of Qualified invoice business

Today’s exchange rate was 146 yen to the dollar, just ahead of 152 yen to the dollar. There was a currency intervention by the government.

It means that Japan sold its dollar holdings and converted them to yen.

I think this is a more fundamental problem, and it is worrisome.

If the value of the yen is to accrue in the future, the result will be good, but if the value of the yen declines further in the future, selling the dollar, the key currency, was a risky act.

I am not sure what makes the yen strong or weak, but each has its good points and bad points, so I think it would be better to focus economic policy on the good points at each stage of the economic cycle.

This is a complete layman’s viewpoint!

When the yen is strong, exports suffer hard. Therefore, the domestic manufacturing industry is depressed. Instead, they can purchase raw materials (including oil) that are not available in Japan at low prices. It also makes it easier to invest overseas.

When the yen is weak, imports suffer hard. Prices will rise as raw materials soar. Instead, the export industry, i.e., domestic manufacturing, will flourish. Also, investment in Japan (from abroad) will increase.

Please invest in Japan, now is the time to buy!


Today, I would like to talk about Qualified invoice Q14, which is what you should do if you want to canel being a Qualified Invoice Business.

Q14: What if I want to cancel being a Qualified Invoice business? You can cancel being a qualified invoice business if you submit cancel application. However, since the application must be submitted at least 30 days in advance, for example, if a business, fiscal year ended on March 31, wishes to cancel to be a Qualified Invoice Business on March 31, it can cancel to be a Qualified Invoice Business in the following next fiscal year.

Therefore, if a business wishes to cancel in the following fiscal year, it must submit the application by March 1.

Please see more details as attached.

Thank you and have a nice day!

20220826 Q14のサムネイル

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